Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Being like children

‘Let the children come to me.  Don’t stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’  Matthew 18 v 2-5

The other day, on our way home from school we played a little game.  Spot Auntie Joline’s favorite car…  Audi!’ (‘TT’ specifically but the others will do just fine...)

So Darth Vader (a fictional name for the little boy I look after) was telling me that he would be an engineer when he grows up, and then he would design and build me my very own Audi and I would only have to pay half price because I am his Au pair.

He then asked me if I still wanted the convertible, to which I said “of course”.  So he told me that I now have to pay an additional R25, because he has to do some extra work.  This equals to about $3 extra for a convertible version.  To which I replied, “No problem, I really don’t mind spending a few extra bucks.  It sounds like the perfect plan”

I wrote the whole conversation down and plan to keep it until he is older, and then show him again.  Even though I know that this would never happen, it is nice to know that he really believes that it would.

Wouldn’t it be great to have faith like children again?  To really mean it when you promise someone something or to really believe it when someone else does. Not to doubt whether it would happen due to some previous experiences with people.

Would you try to keep your promises this week? I know I sometimes fail in this department, especially in replying to sms’s…  so I will definitely give it a go.  Lets be like the little children and mean what we say.  Let me know your thoughts on how this works for you.

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