Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Do what is in your hands...

Tonight I was touched by what someone said, and I thought that I would write something encouraging. 
‘Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'  J.M. Barrie (Creator of Peter Pan)

'Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.'  Ronald Reagan

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is learning to dance in the rain.’ 
Author unknown

I told a few friends the other day that I donated all my furniture to someone years ago because I was staying there for free at the time.   My friends then asked me what I was going to give them when I leave their house, because I don't even own a bed...  (Laughing at me while they said it.)   
Then it was my turn to smile, because what I have is much more valuable than a bed or even a house.  Knowing Jesus Christ is priceless, but I did not tell them this at the time.  The time will come when I will be able to share this valuable information with them.  It will be another priceless moment in my life when they fully understand this concept for themselves.  At the moment that is all I have in life, but it is more than enough for me, and I am willing to share.

So go out there and do what is in your hands to do, whether it is writing someone a little note, giving someone a hug or donating millions to an orphanage.  It does not matter how big or small the gesture, as long as we do something.


  1. Great inspirational words. Even if your valuable information hasn't been shared with those friends yet, you have shared it with many others that will read your post. Thanks for sharing.

    1. thanks babe. It was a bit hard to share such personal information but it seems to be the way the blog is going every other day.
