Thursday, 26 September 2013


At the MAMS expo this year my mum's bridesmaid's dress from approximately 50 years ago was my main attraction.  I took it along for decorative purposes, but it stole the show.  Now I know where I got my fashion sense from. Selah...

Lace is very trendy at the moment, and a few of my dresses included a lace facet.
La Femme Joline's men's fashion also includes lace this season.  The front of the men's waistcoat is a tan colour which is covered with a more masculine type black lace.

The main focus of La femme Joline marketing is 'Yesteryear'.  My old patterns comes in handy along with some suitcases from time gone by, an old hat case and my mum's golden oldie Pfaff sewing machine.


This expo would not have been possible without my golden oldie friends who allowed me to use the dresses I have made for them.  My mum and brother was a great influence in the decor and display.  Another golden oldie, Theresa, donated the amazing mannequins to be used for the event.  Thank you to everyone involved, I could not have done it without you.

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