Saturday, 15 August 2015

Bad kids

I came across this one on Facebook, and just had to share it because it is so true.  Its just easier to call children bad, because then we do not have to deal with the real problems they face, and we - the parents or grownups - can remain in control. Because that is 'so' what they need; someone to control them - so that one day when they are adults, they can deal with the real issues in their childhood life. 

When they then seek Psychologists for help or need Psychiatrists to prescribe them tablets to deal with their ordeal from the past, then people may judge them and think they are crazy.  This is not a healthy cycle of events. I am just thankful that there are people in this world that does care about the mental health of people, young and old.  That they dedicate their lives to bringing back the harmony into peoples lives that were missing their whole life.  I thank God that he created people different, with different desires and callings on their lives.

Personally I think, give your child a chance.  A real chance at life.  Don't make the same mistake with them that our parents made with us.  Even though we may love our parents dearly, we do not have to copy their behaviour.  Who knows, maybe no one gave them a chance to show their emotions when they were children.  Maybe they were just doing what they knew best at the time.

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